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  • catbutler039


Back in 2016, I began creating a list of things of people, places, artwork, food, music, memes that were recommended to me. I am that person at parties where people go “you must of seen this”, to which my answer is more often than not, “nope sorry”. I have fully intended to watch, read, listen, but found I never really have.

Whilst doing some coaching* earlier in 2022, I discovered two things.

1). The word 'inspiration' came up as one of my core values and yet I rarely seemed to make time to indulge in simple and cost free moments of inspiration.

2). There were several unconscious limiting beliefs piled into this one; mainly habitual toxic work habits, absorbed structural capitalist beliefs around success, time-worth-spent, and progress etc.

I have never been drawn to the idea of 'blog', but my coach suggested it might be a good Leap Challenge. I remembered the list of recommendations. I liked the idea of finally getting to share in the little moments of inspiration and connection. It sometimes takes me a while to process things so this felt honest.

These won't be reviews. Might be just a pic or a link with some accompanying thoughts of what I might have added to the conversation at the time. Ironically, this also falls at the start of a new year. Nothing to this other than I had more time in November. Blogs are not the answer to freeing yourself of unconscious limiting beliefs but making time to align with yourself and your values is a start.

Screenshot ft Finale:Bouquet. photo by me.

*For anyone looking for a coach or uncertain about how coaching may help you, I would highly recommend chatting to Kirsten Peters Roebuck.


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